So in that light, I scrapped my letters and put them to some purpose. You see, recently, my boss moved me to a bigger cube at work. She's been trying to get me to move for months, but me not liking change kept putting her off. Finally, she enticed me by reminding me that. "There will be more room to decorate. . . " She really does know me well - grin! Our company encourages us to personalize our space in any zany way we want. I tend to put quilt samples - art ideas and whatever odds and ends that are inspiring me at the moment.
Well with my new cube - which I love btw! - there is a nice back wall corner. I thought - gee you'd think I would have something that would look cool in a corner. Well - I do - at least half of one. I haven't quilted July's assignment up yet and its really growing on me. I thought with a little revamp and a little more work - it could be made to go into the back wall corner - with the two half meeting in the corner.
A little more work turned out to be a lot more work - of course - but well worth it. I found that it not only will it work in the corner - it looks great flat! Plus I got to use up a ton of scraps! Now just to quilt it and I can put it up! (Ohh and you know I'll be saying a lot of "Yes I made that and yes I dyed the fabric myself" grin! My workmates still think that I'm making log cabin quilts on my days off. . . not to disparage traditional quilters!)
Ohhh, by the way, Off the Wall Friday is two years old this week!! A big THANK YOU for your participation and encouragement over the last 104 weeks. In 20 years of quilting I've never managed to stay creative consistently year round - now with all of you to answer to - I am! If I don't say it enough - you all are the greatest and a huge blessing!
So what have you been up to creatively?
Congratulations on your 2 yr anniversary and THANK YOU for making the Off the Wall Fridays happen. It motivates me also.
I LOVE your new "cube art"! I too scrapped my letter assignment for the month-hated to do that but I'm just too busy. Your time was well spent with your new cube art!
Congratulations! It is always a big fun to see what all the others out there had create during the last week.
Greetings, Rike
Congratulations and thank you for "Off the Wall Friday", it's so inspiring!! I love the colors in your Cube Art, the are great!
Thank you so much for doing this for two years. It has spurred me on to have something new almost every Friday.
I love your new quilt for your workspace. I'm sure it will garner a lot o positive attention.
Congratulations on your anniversary and for Off the Wall Fridays. Even when I haven't got anything to post I really enjoy looking at the work linked up here. Your cube art looks great and it's really interesting to see one of your assignments as a finished piece.
Thanks for all of the off the wall Fridays. I love your work and really enjoy your sense of humor. Thanks for inviting me to participate. Onto 104 more....
How lucky are you to be able to display your artwork at work like that. Love your rhythm pieces.
Your cube art glows! I love it!
WOW! Off the Wall 2 years Anniv! Congratulations! and I love that you are decorating your new cubical with YOUR art. Wonderful selection and idea! best, deborah
Thank you for hosting this blog party for 2 years! I have really enjoyed it and it gives me inspiration to get some things accomplished.
Let me echo all the cheers and thanks for your 2 years (even if I haven't known you that long). The linky is a nudge--not as much pressure as a due date, just a slight push. Thanks for hosting.
love this quilt!
Thank You all for your kind words!! Its amazing to me how fast time flys! Your words came at a good time since I've been pouting all weekend - my machine broke - ugh!!! Wanted to finish this up to put it up today but now it will have to wait! Hate that!
HI!!! Congrats on Two Years!!! I love your cube art!!!! Very unique and creative!!!! Thank You
thank you for being the glue of many artist folk to post here cause that makes our days so much more enjoyable. congrats on 2 years of sharing art with us from all about the world! mahalo!! your cube is most awesome!!
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