Friday, December 30, 2022

My Next Big Idea on Off the Wall Friday

Homeward Bound, Sarah Fielke, The Quilt Show's BOM 2023

So did all of you in the northern states make it through last week's blizzard?  For once, my part of Lake Erie missed the worse of it.  I think hearing a week of the "Worst blizzard in 30 years" is going to hit on Christmas weekend was worst than the actual event. We stayed warm and safe and kept our traveling down to a minimum, but we still got to spend time with friends and family!  Blessed!

I was also blessed by my husband who gave me a year's subscription to the Quilt Show. Wow!  I had no idea what a wealth of information there is on that site!  The term Quilt Nirvana comes to mind!  Not only do I need to go back and watch many of my friends' segments, but there are also "how-to" segments I need to see.  There is a HUGE gallery of Quilt pictures and a whole section of mini-classes you can take.  Plus, with a year's subscription,  they send you a couple of free gifts, a 25% code to shop, and the annual BOM pattern.   All that for about 5 bucks a month.  Needless to say, I think I'll get my money's worth.

Looking through the site, I found myself on the forum.  Reading it through, it reminded me of when the internet was new in the mid-'90s.  I would stop at the library just so that I could sign into a computer and get onto the quilting forum.  I remember what a thrill it was to connect with quilters from all over the world.  Now 25 years later, we kind of take it for granted.  It's commonplace these days to face-time with someone or drop a quick message.  It's been forever since I've been part of a forum.

Which brought me to my next big idea....why don't I join this year's Block of the Month Club.  It's called Homeward Bound and designed by Sarah Fielke.  I like it because it's a medallion quilt and has enough different techniques to keep me interested. 

In the past, I've finished two BOM's and learned a ton.  I'm struggling to get through my last...the Craftsy BOM from 2016, which I started in 2017...and I think I left it here in 2020 here...

There it is on the wall!

shrug...I dunno...this seemed so interesting to begin with, but now I don't feel the need to finish...maybe someday!  It still hasn't made it to the "Never Again" pile!

So that's why I thought it might be a good idea to join The Quilt Show's BOM.  I mean not only do they release all the information monthly, butttttttt there is a whole forum of other quilters to help you get through.  One thing Weight Watchers taught me is that accountability and deadlines help to complete goals!

So looking at the pattern, the whole thing read a bit too cutesy to me.  Inspired by the work of Patricia Campbell (who died in 2013), I've always wanted to do quilt in jewel tones on a dark background.  Her line of fabrics Fossil Ferns and books have always been a love of mine.  

Jacobean Arbor, Patricia Campbell

My daughter's best friend Brittany used photoshop to manipulate the quilt so I could get a better idea of what it would look like... here is a couple she came up with...

See what a difference putting it on a dark background does?  It's always good to make Visual Decisions Visually!  (If you want a hint on what I finally picked for the background...aubergine!)

So the 3 goals for 2023..participate fully in the BOM forum....finish each section on time....use fabrics from my stash (although I bought the background because I wanted it to be uniform).  I think it's time to get back to the social side of quilting and this seems to fit the bill!

Ohhh and I promised myself, that I would finally finish the Rain, Rain quilt.  It's soooo close to getting done and on my frame!

So I guess that amounts to a bit of a New Year's Resolution!  Is anybody else doing the BOM over at the Quilt Show?

So What Are You Up to Creatively?


Anonymous said...

Welcome to TQS. I joined when it first began and love it.

Sharon in CO

Michelle said...

You have an exciting quilty 2023 coming up! Isn’t awesome to be able to audition color palettes through technology? You’ve got some beautiful options there. Here’s to a terrific 2023!

Margaret said...

I've been a TQS member for many years, and love to watch while I'm in my studio. I've only done one BOM --and even then used the modifications on offer because I'm a piecer, not an applique person. But it was fun. I love the fact that Ricky and Alex feature art quilters, dyers, piecers, experimenters, antique quilt collectors, traditional piecers -- and much, much more on their program. I hope you enjoy your subscription -- and I wish you best of luck with the 2023 BOM!!!

Laceflower said...

I did the Color My World quilt BOM 2021 because I just wanted someone to tell me what to do. It was the first pattern I had done in decades. I did enjoy it and my quilt group talked me into putting it in our Show and it won a first ribbon. There were 3 other CMW in the show! TQS is a fabulous resource, enjoy. Laceflower