is finishing up her last week of college which the end of an educational journey that started back in 2000. (Where does the time go right?) My husband is here just waiting to finish up his last construction projects before he can retire later this year. And then there is me. Still antsy...and cranky. So Paul suggested that I do something with my studio since the federal government was nice enough to send some of my money back to me. Smart man!!
When I set up my little first floor sewing studio a few years back, I originally thought I would keep most of my fabric and my notions stash up on the third floor of the house leaving the studio just to work in. Well THAT has not worked out so well, There is usually stuff all over which makes me feel claustrophobic. For being such a slob, I like to have everything neat. So I thought the best way to start stimulating the economy was getting new storage and shelving. Despite the snow on my lawn...I know its spring!!
Now to just to figure what I liked and didn't like about how my studio was working. I like to keep my fabric folded neatly in boxes by color and value. The problem is that all the tubs are all different sizes and they are just too big to take up and down. So after much searching, I decided on bus tubs.
They came in all sorts of options ....with me choosing the 20" by 15" by 5". Its still big enough to hold a lot of folded fabric but not to bulky for me to life on and off the shelf. Even with the shipping they were pretty affordable...$4.81 each. They nest so they are great for storage. I bought 12 since I can also store on-going projects in them and then just pull down the project with all the pieces neatly in them!!
So that takes care of my bigger cuts of fabric, but what about all those pesky scraps. Right now I keep them in zip lock bags but I've always had a dream to put them in a shelving unit. So this time, I turned to Amazon (of course I did). Cube storage and little bins will work perfectly. Each bin will have its own scraps color. When you need them pull them out of the bin...when you're cleaning up, easily thrown them back into the bin. See?!?!? Cool Right?!?!?!
After a week of measuring, researching, planning....the orders are placed as I wrote this post. I told my husband that I would put them together and he can take out my old bulky shelving. I feel all accomplished. I've been dreaming of getting things off the floor - all organized and pretty for a while now ! and Yes....I'll take pictures once its done.
Also, I want to say thanks to everyone for your kind words over the last few weeks of encouragement. It means a TON!! It took all week but I did manage to get my facebook account back and changed it all around so it won't be hacked again. I literally had been fighting with the hackers for a month and they finally got me. To tell you the truth though, Facebook has gotten so toxic lately that I didn't really miss it. Sometimes though, I just like to check in!!!
So What Have You've Been Up to Creatively?
I wish I had the space for storage like this. Cant wait to see it.
Love that new rack. I bought three big metal shelves years ago that come with fiberboard shelves. They are black and dark. Wish now I would have gone for the metal shelving like yours. I did just buy metal bins to keep my large fabrics in, getting rid (well, not getting rid but repurposing) of the cloth cubes that were turned on their sides. Now I can reach for the metal basket and bring them to the table. I'd love to have room to put different color scraps in each cube, but that's not going to happen. Looking forward to seeing your finished studio. Thanks, as always, for all the inspiration. I don't comment much, but I'm always here. Be safe and stay healthy.
Love your new system.I like the fact that you can pull the tubs out and put them back. I have open shelving for some things and tubs for others. I like being able to see all of my fabric.
How exciting to be re-organizing your studio! Can't wait to see it.
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