Friday, September 15, 2023

Off The Wall Friday


Since it's Fair Week around here, I'm taking off but I saw this week and thought it was something I wanted to remember!!

So What Have You Been Up to Creatively?

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Melva said...

So many discount our quilts as "art". It seems that it is only those that understand art and time it takes to create that are willing to pay for the true value of a quilt.

Your list is a great reminder to artists in all mediums.

Vivian said...

This is so needed to be seen by so many! Add to that list "I will "sign" my quilt with a label". Back in 2016 I was watching an episode of the Stitch TV show and one of the hosts, who is a quilt appraiser said she saw a Gerald Roy exhibit where antique quilts were hung alongside paintings where both were evaluated as "art". While every painting was signed by the artists, NONE of the quilts were and so their makers were lost to history.