Friday, September 21, 2018

A Clean Up - Off the Wall Friday

Before I moved into my studio, I used a section off my family room which I lovingly called my "Sewing Hole".  When I moved out of there, my favorite bookcase stayed, housing my vast collection of quilting and art books.  They were meticulously organized and I could always find what I needed.  Well over the last three years, that space has become more and more clutter with stuff, I wasn't quite sure what to do with.

Finally, this spring, I said ENOUGH! I made a goal that I would clean up that area by the end of summer.  Well here is it is, summer officially coming to an end and its not done!!  Not to mention, I wanted to look at some of my traditional books, to design a nice English Paper Piecing take-along project but couldn't find the books I needed through all the disarrayed clutter.

With that said, I started to clean out the area  and what happens???  The ancient shelves collapse on me.  You just hear this big  WHOOSHHHHHHH through the house.  My husband looks up from his lap top and says, "Are you okay?"  I look at the big puddle of books and assorted minutia that surrounded me and said, "Yessssssssssssssss"

Mentally, I was thinking, "Why does everything always have to be a production???"

I'm posting this here, not only as an explanation of why I'm not posting my new English Paper Piecing Project but as a goal that by next week this are will be back to its pristine self.

I mean, ya know how I am......If you didn't keep me honest I wouldn't ever get it done!

So What Have Been Up to Creatively?


Jenny K. Lyon said...

Oh no! Well nothing like a collapsed bookcase to get that task done!

Shannon said...

Good luck with the cleanup! That sounds like a giant task!

Lynda said...

OMG! Hope you didn't get hurt. Last time I cleaned up my studio, one of the shelves fell on me. I was fine, but just a little brused. Anyway, I always love to get stuff organized, but it never stays quite the way I want it to OR I decide I have a better way! Good luck with getting those books organized!

Sylvia said...

Oh my, your room looks just like mine! I have been going to get it organized for 4 years and still haven't gotten it done. It seems so daunting and I just don't know where to start. When my mom passed away I got all her yarn, material, etc and it's been a mess ever since.

I'm currently working on a C2C graphgan. I've never done one before so it's kind of challenging but I am determined to get it done. Good luck on your endeavor!

Shelina said...

Oh no! So sorry it had to be a production! But on the bright side, part of the work of Marie Kondo's steps have already been done for you, and now you can easily touch every single thing and decide if it brings you joy! I hope it is an easy and enjoyable process fo ryou.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Oh gosh, I HATE it when that happens, lol. Now it really will take forever to get it all put back together because you KNOW your going to be SORTING those books!! Good luck.
xx, Carol