For me there is always an emotion connected to art - it angers me, surprises me, saddens me. It evokes feelings of digust or pure joy. And Joy is exactly what I feel when I look at the work of
Austrian born, Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000). His work always entertains me, enchants me, enlivens me. It always draws me in to look more closely. So, I wanted to share my fascination with you!!
6 Things You Didn't Know about Friedensreich Hundertwasser
1. He was born Friedrich Stowasser, but changed it to Hundertwasser when he was 21. His name translates directly into English as "Peace-Realm Hundred-Water". The other names he chose for himself, Regentag and Dunkelbunt, translate to "Rainy day" and "Darkly multi-coloured".
2. Hundertwasser is one of the richest artists in history branding his work throughout Europe and then investing his earnings in real estate and businesses. Through his stock company Hundertwasser managed his intellectual property rights
3.His eclectic artistic vision was not limited to wall paintings. It is expressed itself in pictorial art, environmentalism, philosophy, architecture, postage stamps, flags and clothing.
4. Rejecting the the straight line and calling them "godless and immoral" and "something cowardly drawn with a rule, without thought or feeling" he used bright colors and organic form to achieve a
reconciliation between humans and nature.
reconciliation between humans and nature.
5. For Hundertwasser, human misery was a result of the rational, sterile, monotonous architecture we lived in and he designed his buildings with enlivened colors that took on organic non traditional forms. With strong ecological beliefs, he incorporated nature in many of his buildings.
6. He died aboard a ship, the S.S. Queen Elizabeth II, in late 2000. He was
71 years old when he passed away, and was buried in New Zealand where
he got his second citizenship in years earlier.
I've always wanted to do a series of pieces in the style of Hundertwasser because I would love to evoke as much joy with my work as he does with his.
So What Have Been Up to Creatively?
Green Tower, 1978 |
So What Have Been Up to Creatively?
Hundertwasser has been one of my favorites for years, I've even been to one of his buildings in Vienna. His paintings make me happy also.
I went to his village in Austria and was blown away. I always meant to do a quilt inspired by that village, but never did. Maybe I should think about it again.
En 2011 mon club le patchwork du Léman avait lancé l'idée de faire un challenge à la manière de : Hundertwasser, Klee ou Monet et Hundertwasser avait eu un énorme succès et je trouve que c'est une bonne façon de découvrir un peintre de travailler dans le même genre.
I had never heard of this artist and I am so glad that you did a blog post about him!
You probably know that Hundertwasser is one of my most important influences and that my entire "In Box" series was created in response to his inspirations. He gets credited in almost every art statement I've ever written with regards to this body of work ... including my upcoming solo show at the Grovewood Gallery. Anyway, I loved reading the points you emphasized. There's so much about Hundertwasser that I admire. Susan
I'm very happy to have just found your blog and I enjoyed your post about Hundertwasser. He certainly is an inspiration :)
Thanks for writing it's really helpful
thanks for sharing.
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