Still as I pricked my finger on the many, many pins that hold down the pieces of rough edge applique, I can see why people fuse!! But looking at the finished product, I could see texture that non-fusing applique has. There is a little pucker here and there - a puff of fabric now and again that you don't get with fusing. Plus I'll never get all the rough edges nice and smooth. The roughness seems to add just that much texture to the piece.
Just a bit more and the piece will be off to the jury. Hopefully it will get in!!
So What have you been up to creatively?
I do love that non-fused look. It has dimension and texture. I think it was worth a few pricked fingers. Good luck on the jury!
Good luck with getting juried in. Fusing is certainly easier burt it certainly does give a totally different look
You made the right choice, the flowers looks so beautiful!!
It's beautiful!
I absolutely agree with not fusing. It does have more texture, and might last longer. I often don't fuse. LeeAnna
I agree with you on the applique. I do the non-fused also. I usually only put in a couple pins though and make sure my first row of stitching goes near the edge and then remove the pins for the rest of the thread painting. I love the little puffs here and there plus the slightly ravelly edges.
I need to try the non fused look. I've always either fused or turned under but I like your look. What pins do you use! I've tried those small appliqué pins and they are frustratingly tiny. Flower heads would be to big I would imagine.
Just found your link party today! On my blog I have a list of daily link parties to help me keep track of where to link up each day. I have added your link up to my list. http://busyhandsquilts.blogspot.com/p/link-parties.html
I'm with you on the fuse versus stitch raw edge applique. Sometimes fusing is just the thing, but there came a time when I thought, do I really need to fuse this down before I stitch? The answer is often "no" and the result is much softer and - yes - I hate to say it - organic. This looks lovely.
I just want to add that I had no idea that fusing had taken such a strong hold in the quilting world. I totally get why - don't get me wrong. But last summer when I went to the master's class and nobody was piecing or rough edge appliqueing at all (out of 18 ladies!) it was weird! I had one lady come over and said - "You pieced all that?" . I should have guessed something was up when the teacher said, "You like to piece?". . . . I thought it was odd at the time. . . .like yeah I'm a quilter - I take perfectly good fabric - cut it all up - and take blood sweat and years piecing it back together. Doesn't that sound normal to you?
I remember your post on that, and yes - it sounds perfectly normal to me!
This is lovely. And I like the raw egde applique you have used. Have you painted you wood fabric yourself?
Good luck.
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