So while the word for 2013 is Productivity - I really fell short this week. I did managed to finish the sketch for the next redwork pattern. The tracing I made of the original photo needed some changes since the ladies looked a bit alien with their severe hair styles. I also met with my friend Sandy who helped me come up with a plan for the background the stitch blocks are going to be on. She's going to teach me a new surface design technique for it. Let's just say that it involves her airbrush booth!
I also made a final decision about my summer quilt conference plans. I'm not going to Quilting by the Lake this year. Nor am I going to take classes at Quilt Surface Design Symposium. I decided to take a road trip to Tennesee and spend a week at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Elizabeth Barton is a teaching a class called Abstract Art Quilts where we'll explore abstacting out designs as well as dyeing the fabric we'll need to make them. Not only is Elizabeth one of my favorite teachers but this is an area I've been wanting to study. Not to mention Arrowmont has been on my list of places to go for a while now. I'm sure there will be more on that later.
So what have you been up to creatively???
Sorry you're feeling poopy - but glad your vacation plans are solidified!
Ha, here in Blighty we've had the white stuff too. But you Americans always go bigger - we've only had a paltry 6 inches or so. But you're right - under the wheels of the car its grim! We're apparently destined for more today and then a mega thaw so that there are flood warnings out (and I am not sure if you are aware but last year the UK had a very wet year - it never stopped raining so the ground is completely waterlogged already!)
Your summer school sounds fab. I haven't booked a class yet this year. Not quite sure if anything catches my fancy.
I haven't had so much of a productive week either. Have managed to pin a traditional quilt on to my frame (the Beast) ready for quilting. Hopefully next week will see more activity.
Keep warm.
Oh that trip and retreat sounds fabulous! I need to get off my butt , get out of my routine rut and do something like that.
The snow is beautiful, I live in Vermont and we have -10 degrees but no snow (well maybe 2" on the ground but I consider that no snow) I'd like a good foot or so to insulate the earth and help the wildlife get shelter.
Hey, it worked ...I just figured out how to link on OTWF's from a remote location, using my iPad. Nina-Marie ...given the dumping of snow you got, I keep the details of where I am to myself......think warm breezes....
I did list my blog. Not sure how to mention my just finished this past week are on my "Scraps" post. Also, understand your dilemma with the snow. I adore it but my children are grown and I work from home. Completely different perspective when you don't have to struggle with the snow, just enjoy it!
I haven't blogged all week, between work and the deep freeze (-18 in the morns!) I have had no creative energy. I am hoping that by staying in my jam jams I can write...but who knows. Love the pictures! So excited about your new summer adventure! Stay warm...
I love your pictures but I can totally relate to your mixed feelings about the snow! We're supposed to "warm up" next week ... so I guess that means we should prepare for some flooded areas . Your class sounds VERY interesting - looking forward to learn more about it!
I want to go with you!
Lovely photographs of the snow! Sounds like a wonderful workshop, I wish that I could attend!
I really feel for you... productivity can be elusive. I've been being very productive, but there's that little feeling or worry in the back of my mind that I won't be able to maintain it. Arrowmont sounds wonderful as does the class you'll be taking. Send a little of the white stuff out here to Seattle... my kids would love a snow day!
The snow has completely melted in London now. To get the children to school I'm pleased for none too. Enjoy your weekend:)
You week at the arts and craft school sounds exciting!
Thanks for hosting x
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