Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pets on Quilt Show - The Calendar Cows

Well I'm entering a half year of my Calendar Cow quilt into SewCalGal's Pets on Quilts.  These represent January, July, February, October, April and May.  I'm in the process of doing August right now.  Originally this was designed by me for daughter Tessa who asked for a cow quilt that wasn't too cartoonish but still not too realistic.  Plus I was looking for a uniquely "Us" idea and I'm sure that Calendar Cows fits the bill.

Each block is rough edged appliqued and will eventually have more thread work done on it along with machine quilting (done on a home machine).  I used free images online for inspiration but drew a lot of it myself.  I might still rework some of the blocks now that I'm in the rhythm of the quilt.

Doing this project was surprisingly rewarding since its different from most of my work but still has my voice in it - plus it always seems to make people smile and giggle a bit.  What more can you ask?


Judy Ferguson said...

Love your cow ideas. There is a cattle farm next to us, so I am very fond of gazing at the mothers and calves. They put their heads through the wire and eat our grass.

Diane H said...

Wonderful colourful cows! Should be a beautiful quilt once it all comes together especially when embellished with thread. Thanks for sharing.

SewCalGal said...

Very cute cow quilt. Amazing design, use of fabrics & colors. Brilliant. Definitely an amazing quilt.


Wacky Woman said...

Sooooooooo cute! How fun.

QuiltSue said...

Only one word for this quilt. Moovellous. I love it, thanks for showing it to us.

Jodie said...

Oh I love it! It will look amazing when it's done too :)

Gretchen said...

I love the cows!! This is going to be a fabulous quilt--very creative and colorful. A mooo-sterpiece (sorry couldn't resist a pun)

Anonymous said...

That is such an adorable quilt! I love it... Such a fun and wonderful piece!

Karen S said...

This is so cool! I love all of them! What a fabulous idea. I think you were successful in bridging the gap between cartoony and realistic. Nice work.

Dee said...

What a wonderful idea! I'd love to see the rest of the calendar blocks. My mom grew up on a dairy farm and so collect cows now. Yours are so cute.

Vicki said...

What a neat and original idea, love it. I'm looking forward to seeing the other months as they get done.

SheilaC said...

Your cow calendar blocks are wonderful!! What a great idea (you should sell the pattern!)

Thank you for sharing your quilt!


Melissa Brown said...

Great quilt. I love your appliqué work. So creative, can't wait to see the finished quilt

Janet said...

So interesting that your daughter asked for a quilt with cows! They have always intrigued me too. I got to put my arm in a cow's stomach(s) once at the university where my b-i-l was acquiring a PHD. That was so interesting.

Anonymous said...

fantastic - marvelous combinations of fabric, colours, stamps and design. Definetely a very good entry.
Good luck

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

They are gorgeous together. You know me, I just love it!


Dana Gaffney said...

Smile and giggle is right. They are wonderful. Thanks.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Oh my! This is the cutes and creative quilt!! I just love it.

Kim said...

Your quilt is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

Karen M said...

This is so great! I especially love the look on the umbrella cow's face. She looks so like she's has enough. Maybe she wants to be a California cow?

Nancy Sue said...

Great bovine-themed quilt :)
nsue21702 at gmail dot com

hetty said...

Great cow quilt! It is especially nice because you designed it.

Talin's Corner said...

I love art quilts and this quilt is beautiful.

The Vegetarian Hunter said...

The cows are great. I love your style on them, you did not too cartoony and not to realistic quite perfectly!

Kim D. said...

Your cows are fantastic! What a fun quilt and thanks for sharing it.