Friday, December 11, 2020

Back to Work on Off the Wall Friday

 Overheard at the Sayre's House....

    Paul:  Nina can I use your studio to wrap presents??

    Nina: Ahhhh...No...why would I let you do that?

    Paul:  Because I do it every year

    Nina:  But this year, I have the quilt I'm working on all over my table

    Paul:  Define "Working"

Honestly how did I marry that man!?!  But he's right.  I haven't been in my studio in ages and I know why.  When you're getting pulled into the Holiday Hoop-La its hard  to settle


into your creative active place.  Finally though I'm ready.  Two trees are up, outside lights are done, presents are all ordered (did anybody actually get to go out shopping this year?!?!) and I have plenty of vacation time that I need to use or lose. (once again...did anybody actually get to go on vacation this year?!)

So this evening, back into the studio.  WoW!!   I'm close to getting this quilt done.  I believe I left it in a place where I was over thinking the final layout.  Looking at it now, I think it looks great.  Crazy Busy but great.  Tonight I finished up two columns and I'll get the rest done tomorrow. 


The next step is finally try the Quilt as you go method.  After watching Marti Michell's craftsy video, I think I can handle it.  

Here in Northwestern PA, we are starting to hunker down again and wait out this virus.  All I can say, it's a good year to be a quilter!! 

I hope everyone is safe and healthy!!!

So What Have You Been UP to creatively?


Joyce said...

The fabrics are so cute! Looking forward to seeing your quilt as you go.

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh my gosh; I could never allow gift wrapping in my studio. I would be terrified that they were using my SCISSORS!!! I love your quilt layout, too, and I'm so glad you're coming back around to this quilt. I've been the same way lately -- frantic online shopping, frenzied wrapping... The weeks before Christmas always seem to fly by in one big WHOOSH ever since I became a grownup tasked with making sure the Magic of Christmas goes off as planned. Remember when we were little and we could just snuggle up in a blanket and stare at the lights on the Christmas tree and count down the days? :-)

Lynda said...

Your quilt is going to be so sweet. I need to check out that Craftsy class and I look forward to your progress on it.

Laceflower said...

Marti's class on quilt as you go is wonderful. I'm about to embark on this kind of adventure as well. Good Luck, Lace