Friday, September 27, 2024

No You Don't Suck on Off the Wall Friday


Okay, since I've had a big day that started at about 3:45 am...I'll make this short and sweet.  You do not suck.  You only think you suck, but trust me, you don't.  

As in most things, the internet is a blessing and a curse.  It brings us together as "makers".  It helps us connect and finally we feel like we fit in.  It's like we're with a tribe that understands why we take $300 in fabric, spend hours cutting it all up, only to take hours to sew it all back together. You get me and I get you.  It's wonderful.  

Until it's not. With the internet comes a plethora of images to gaze upon.  Every "maker" loves to take their best work, photograph it in its best light, then digitally edit so it looks even better. This is what they post on Facebook, Instagram and gasp! Twitter.   Most never show you the flaws and especially the failures.

It leaves you feeling that you can't ever make something that amazing, so why even try?  I mean you suck, right?!  

No, you do not suck.  You only think you suck, but - I repeat - trust me you don't.  

So, stop reading this and go sew - your work is amazing!

Lecture over ...What Have You Been Up to Creatively?

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