Friday, October 6, 2023

Stalled on Off the Wall Friday

 The change of seasons is tough in this part of the Great Lakes.  Days get shorter with less sunlight.  You never know if it's going to be 55 or 80 degrees out.  It's sad thinking that 4 months of snow and glum are just on the horizon.    I've learned to combat it some by getting out my Light Therapy lamp and using that while I work.  It does help, but let's face it, this Sicilian girl does better in the summer.

Which brings me to the realization that I have stalled.  My Quilt Show Block of the Month sits untouched.  I can't seem to get myself to settle into hand applique.... My creative juices feel all dried up .... My studio is a wreck.  sighhhhh I'm a mess.  

At least it's not forever. I have a plan ... 

1.  Clean my studio

2.  Organize/Put Away the BOM for later

3.  Take out the Sunflower Girl

4.  Start rotating my three main projects

(SunFlower Girl, BOM, Quilting Rain, Rain)

5.  Make plans for the Impressionist exhibit at CMA

Honestly, if I don't write it all down this ennui will just go on forever.  

What do you do when you get stalled on a big project?

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Barbara Lockwood said...

what do I do when I get stalled? I read your blog and the Snarky Quilter's. LOL

Gwyned Trefethen said...

When I'm stalled, I will often research solutions. I also belong to two critique groups. I will bring the work to the meeting and ask for help.

Claire said...

If there are no deadlines, I just put it away and do something else--usually read a good novel or go to play. Not quilting professionally, I have that option.If I have a deadline, I don't put it as far away, just aside for a shorter time. Sometimes I just put what have so far up where I can see it while eating/reading/whatever, so that I can take a break and look at it and maybe see it a new way. Not guaranteed to light any candes--I can look forever. :-)

KnitSewTravel said...

I share your situation. Great Lakes gloom, light therapy, distrust of what the coming winter months will bring, creative doldrums. I have to manage my overall health first. Thirty minutes of light while I have my am coffee, riding my bike that goes nowhere 5x a week, going outside every day for at least 10 minutes, keeping a regular sleep schedule. All the classic moves—whether I feel like it or not, and sometimes I don’t—but they do help. Most of all I plan things to look forward to that take me outside of myself—social things like a class, meeting up with a friend, a gallery visit. Last fall I reserved a favorite cabin for a visit in early June. You can also talk to your doctor. Mine says she has patients who find it helpful to take anti-depressants (or an increased dose) during the dark months. You are by nature and practice a creative person. Do your best for your physical health and you’ll be taking good care of your creativity, too. I wish you well.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Nina Marie, I hope that your plan will help you get through your lack of inspiration. I love fall but it's hard not to dwell on winter being around the corner! If I don't have any deadlines then I clean up the studio and then take a break by reading a lot!!! I also intersperse the big projects with little ones that can be done in a few hours, like my hand-made books. They are great squirrels but not huge. Sometimes though, I just need to hide in books to refresh. Good luck!