In the past, people have offered how to save her... change her initial shape since its not realistic
enough, add more thread painting to give her more definition, add shading to Sadie to make her more realistic, take out Sadie all together etc. etc.
I knew there was something wrong but I didn't quite know what and Cynthia whose work is mostly abstract thought that Sadie just detracted from the great complex background. But I love Sadie and I wanted to save her and have the great background compliment her.
I think now after all these years I can make my own critique and finally save Sadie.
Things That I Like
- The subject matter....its a woman walking home toward a town on a hill at dawn...after a long night of dancing
- The interesting non realistic shape of Sadie....its not suppose to be too realistic
- The complex background she's walking toward

Things That Need to be Resolved
- The two elements are fighting against each other - Sadie and the Town
- The over all intensity is the same - all saturated
- The focal point is not defined enough and there is not clear path for your eye to move
- There is no quiet space in the piece
- There isn't enough texture and needs a stronger line
Just writing out this list gives me a better idea of what needs to be done. Most times, when a piece is not working it needs things to be eliminated rather than added. I am still intrigued by Sadie and want to get her home.
This is from my daily Bible study that popped up this week that got me thinking about Sadie again...It seems just as relevant today as it when it was written. And yes it is from Ecclesiastes 3 and not The Byrds (grin) ....This is The Message Version
There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:
A right time for birth and another for death,
A right time to plant and another to reap,
A right time to kill and another to heal,
A right time to destroy and another to construct,
A right time to cry and another to laugh,
A right time to lament and another to cheer,
A right time to make love and another to abstain,
A right time to embrace and another to part,
A right time to search and another to count your losses,
A right time to hold on and another to let go,
A right time to rip out and another to mend,
A right time to shut up and another to speak up,
A right time to love and another to hate,
A right time to wage war and another to make peace.
A right time to plant and another to reap,
A right time to kill and another to heal,
A right time to destroy and another to construct,
A right time to cry and another to laugh,
A right time to lament and another to cheer,
A right time to make love and another to abstain,
A right time to embrace and another to part,
A right time to search and another to count your losses,
A right time to hold on and another to let go,
A right time to rip out and another to mend,
A right time to shut up and another to speak up,
A right time to love and another to hate,
A right time to wage war and another to make peace.
in the end, does it really make a difference what anyone does? I’ve had
a good look at what God has given us to do—busywork, mostly. True, God
made everything beautiful in itself and in its time—but he’s left us in
the dark, so we can never know what God is up to, whether he’s coming or
going. I’ve decided that there’s nothing better to do than go ahead and
have a good time and get the most we can out of life. That’s it—eat,
drink, and make the most of your job. It’s God’s gift.
I'll keep you apprise of where Sadie really ends up!!
I too would save Sadie. I think her right abstract arm is what throws off the piece. I would just fix that small area.
I had the same impression as Tami - only the right arm bugs me. I actually do find my eye resting on Sadie's back and bun. Give Sadie just a hint of sholder blades, push the background away with more intense quilting than Sadie, and perhaps add something with color or sparkle to her hair. That bun is perfectly located for a focal and the fact that her hair is black will allow diamonds or yellow/orange rose to stand out. I disagree with your teacher's take. The strength of the piece for me, is the difference in contrast between the simplicity lines of Sadie and the far more complex intuitive piecing in the background.
I too, agree with the comments of the other two: Keep Sadie, do some thing different with that arm, Sadie will be happy to get direction and see home ahead.
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