Friday, June 28, 2019

Off the Wall Friday

Its been a terribly stressful time at work these last couple of weeks (which is NOT usual so I'm not used to it) I'm so mentally tired that I couldn't write a thing if I tried. So I think I'll just go to bed early and host this week! Thanks again for all the well wishes on my blogiversary!  See I'm so tired I'm making up words - grin!!

Hope you all had a more creative week.

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Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I hope your next week will be more peaceful. Rest and enjoy your weekend

Lynda said...

So sorry to hear it's been so stressful. I hope you can get some rest this weekend. Sending you a big hug.

Hilbert's Mazes said...

Thanks for hosting. Always a great party with great ideas. Hope you Holiday is great next week.

Jen @ de Jong Dream House said...

I so needed to hear this. We just moved last weekend and I have been an absolute sloth. The chaos of boxes everywhere is overwhelming so all I want to do is sleep. Take care of yourself. Tomorrow is a new beginning.

Shelina said...

Oh yes please get some rest. I hope you have plenty of time to rest this weekend.

Margaret said...

Hope you have a relaxed and refreshing weekend...and next, when you'll have time off for your July 4 holiday.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I am thankfully retired after a life of being the manager in stressful jobs. I thrived at it and was pretty good because even when I wanted a break and became a receptionist I was promoted many times to become the "manager". It burned me out. I never learned to take time for ME. Hope you can relax over the holiday.
xx, Carol