Weekly report on my Block of the Month Quilt....Yes, I'm still finishing up the curves. I thought I would finish them last weekend but 9 hrs later I'm still doing them. It seems like they are going to go on forever. The nice thing though is I"m really getting good at doing a curve seam and I'll never shy away from them again.
So today I read an interesting article about Amy Morin's latest book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do. As I skimmed through the list, I realized that most of them I follow in my everyday life and that's why most people think I'm a
hmmmmmm....Maybe.....So here are some more things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do
How to conquer this??
- Practice, Practice., Practice ....I'm a firm believer that practice makes perfect or almost perfect
- Know when good is good enough...that doesn't mean let technique slide but know that perfection is not the goal of your art . What you want to say with your piece is the goal of your art.
So use it....how....
- Look for a mentor, a veteran artist or a critique group
- Take time to journal and reflect on what you feel your weakness are and your goals
- Come up with path but admit that you're not quite sure where its taking you
So those are a start......I promise to get through the List in upcoming weeks and intersperse what I'm doing in my studio. As I have said - it feels so good to be getting back to my old self.
So What Are you Doing Creatively?
I'm okay with the first two but vulnerability? Yikes, that on is hard!
Thanks for hosting. Always a great party with great links and info.
Brian Hilbert
What a great read. Thank you for reminding me that perfection is too elusive to seek.
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