So here is yet another list of ideas on what to give your favorite quilter for Christmas.....or maybe.....what to put in your letter to Santa! You can see previous lists here from years gone by. This year I thought I would go a bit more traditional since lately I've been doing more traditional work. You'd think I'd run out of things that quilters want....but no..... there is always something new and interesting coming out!!!!
7 More Gifts Quilters Want

Cobbled Court Quilts.
2. A Design Wall......Not everyone is lucky enough to have an full size design wall....but pretty much every quilter needs one. Cheryl Ann's Design Wall is perfect for the quilt that needs a temporary but useful design wall! Plus they come in three sizes!

out there so you have to decide what size you want and what features you need!
4. Sewing Themed Odds and Ends....Let's face it...Most quilters are creative types which means we're weird eccentric. So a sewing machine pouch, sewing machine socks, a Bob Ross Bobblehead, (ohhh come on - 'fess up - you've always wanted a Bob Ross Bobblehead or chia head right?) ...quilt calendars,
mugs, jewelry etc etc - basically anything that is fabric, sewing theme is welcome
mugs, jewelry etc etc - basically anything that is fabric, sewing theme is welcome
5. Everything Mary Totes and storage - Quilters also like to take their stuff with them.... there are classes, conferences, sewing bees, and Guild. If you need to tote and store .... Everything Mary has a design option for you. Its like the Vera Bradley for Quilters!!!

actually use it!!
7. A Happy Planner from Me &My Big Ideas.....So I always wanted to plan things... I bought planners with good intentions and never - ever kept with them .....until.... I got a Happy Planner!! What I love about it is that all the stickers are themed to meet pretty much every need so you can put your creative touch to it but its not a big time investment. It usually takes me 20 minutes to plan out a pretty page layout for the week and since its creatively fun, I've kept with it. Another tip is that Joann Fabrics are now carrying them so they are much cheaper on sale or with a coupon!
So that's this year's ideas. As always feel free to comment on what's on your list or maybe what you're buying a quilty or artsy friend!!
So What Have Been Up to Creatively??
1 comment:
Hmmm...I have a lot (I swear my fabric scraps breed in the night!) so there's not much of that I'd want. Perhaps several metres of Misty Fuse or Stitch Witchery and/or Wonder Under...or a generous gift card for Superior Thread, or my LQS (source of batting!) Metres of light-weight muslin (for backings), or a gift card to the shop that mats and/or frames my canvases. A gift card for an art supply store so I could buy some really interesting paints, inks, pens...more canvases...A subscription to the Kemshalls' "Design Matters TV"...
But mainly, courage -- to be more daring with my work. To produce more and different pieces, to stretch into abstraction, to really challenge myself with more mixed media...Yes, courage!
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