What I would do for a creative moment. I don't need a week or a day . . . just a moment. Last week, my time was consumed with the holiday. This week, its our Christmas rush at work. I miss my studio and it misses me!
Closing up our year long Masterclass with Elizabeth Barton, she asked us to look back over the year and decide what we still needed to work on. With the all the ideas and challenges she threw at us - there is a ton of things to finish up, to explore, to build on. Still what strikes me most is that I need to learn how to focus solely on my work when I'm creating. I'm always multitasking when I'm working in my studio. I can't seem to let myself take a creative moment and just forget about what lies on the other side of my studio door.
So this week - I'm going to take a creative moment - no matter how busy life gets.
So what have been up to creatively?
I am going to have such a hard time with this assignment. I don't have anything to finish, but evaluating myself is going to be hard. I have been avoiding the assignment so far!
Though my creativity is not in the quilting arena, I have been able to employ it all over the place. I am so grateful that God opened up an avenue to remember that side of me. As far as time, I hear you...I miss my blog when I find there is no time to write. May we both have some "moments" that we can linger in. Love you honey, and your beautiful work! xo
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