Luckily, all my fabric was ready. I had scoured up my Joanne Fabrics finds and cut up the left over Arrowmont pfd Test Fabrics - got out the red solo cups and got after it! After listening to Elizabeth Barton's lecture on safety in mixing dyes, I now do it on my open air wrap around porch. But gosh it was sure easier when she did the mixing for me!! I tried to do the math before hand so I would mix only what I was using and came pretty darn close.
What I forgot was to don my gloves before mixing. Ugh!! Didn't remember till half way through. Now normally that wouldn't be such a big deal, right?! I mean purple fingers will only be a testimony to how artsy I am and make me look more legit as a real artist. BUT tonight is Teacher night and now everyone will know that I was too dumb to remember my gloves! I'll give them a good lemon soak but I'm not holding out too much hope!
So the results are in
- The chino gradations are marvelous - so glad I did half yds - too funny that its on the $2 yd yellow fabric from Joann's
- Boysenberry is gorgeous raspberry hot pink - super pretty!
- Storm grey gradations came out great too - finally a grey that is just my idea of grey!
- The Violet needs some work - I'm still getting blues and purples and not a nice solid Violet
- The Chartreuse isn't really chartreuse - it came out really - really green so I'm going to have to try out those again.
So what have you been up to creatively?
Glorious colours, Nina Marie! It hit a record 29.9 C here today...about 86 F which in Central Alberta in September is pretty exceptional. I'm about to put some PFD into low-water Procion MX sky blue...and to let it sit for a few days till I can get around to rinsing it out... Sisters dyed-in-the-cotton, eh? ;-)
Fabulous results Nina........I'm pea green!!!
Chino is one of my favourites to dye. Such a nice brown. Always comes out so rich looking. Good job on the dyeing.
Fantastic! They all came out very nice and I am very jealous. Good advice about getting a neutral and a dark when buying fabric. I have to force myself to buy lights as I tend towards the darks so have way to much darks and mediums in my stash.
Part of the fun of dyeing is the surprise and you have some great results. I am doing more ice dyeing this weekend. That's where you really get surprises!
Seriously cool to dye your own colors and utilize some great bargains!
Boysenberry is actually one of my new favorite colors of dye. I just used it this week and it is fabulous! Dyed hands mean you have been busy. Don't worry about what YOU think others might thing!
Hi, Nina Marie. From the 90s (which I don't mind) to the 50s (wintery for me) is a bit of a thermal shock...All your experiments are lovely, but I'm especially liking the gray--very, very nice.
I hardly ever wear gloves, too sweaty, we always have our dye workshop in August, and have very hot days! I have found Soft Scrub that I use for Discharging works great to get the dye off your skin, but the colored cuticles you'll have to live with for a week. Amy @ amyetcetera.blogspot.com
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