Monday, September 17, 2012

Another Beginning. . .A Fall Quilt - Design Wall Monday

Fabrics laid out more or less by value

Initial Value Sketch
With the Beauties done and the Albion Fair packed up for another year, it seems life around here can get back to normal.  The deadline is looming though for the Fiber Invitational so it seems there's no rest for the weary.  With that, I spent a good amount of time cleaning my sewing hole on Saturday (How in the world can it get that dirty with one little project?) and picking out fabrics for the fall wall hanging I've been designing.

Kali standing guard over my hand dyeds

You might remember it from the value drawings I was doing.  I blew up the initial pattern to about 30" by 30" and pulled out the hand dyeds.  I decided a palette of fall colors - red, orange, yellow and a hint of green for accent should do me well.  I haven't worked in these colors in a long while so it will be different but I think it will really invoke that mood of autumn that I'm looking for.

Just the beginning taking shape on the wall
Today I got started on the background of the sky which is the lightest part of the piece and just the first steps of the barn.  I like the sky .. . . .but I don't know. . . . . it might be getting too Easter Eggy Sweet.  I'll get the barn up and and a few other pieces and decide then.  If it does I'll just add some greyed pastels to add a little tension.  But for now its up.  Getting the barn the right value is soooo tricky - you want to get it dark enough that it contrasts the sky but light enough that it recedes back.  Not to mention that there are still value changes in the barn itself.  Like I said, there's no rest for the weary.

One thing I know about me though - if I didn't have a deadline  - I wouldn't get anything done!  
See more great Design Walls at Judy's Patchworks!


Karen S said...

your hand-dyes are yummy! It's a good thing you have a guard cat to keep them safe!

Thearica said...

Do you by chance wholesale your hand dyes?