Friday, December 9, 2022

A Bit More on Composition on Off the Wall Friday

Genesis 1:3,4 Nina-Marie Sayre
Radiating Lines


Am I the only one that finds Pinterest the mother of all rabbit holes? Whenever I'm on there, I find something else that captures my interest.  And down the rabbit hole, I go!  That's where this whole obsession with composition types began.  Long ago, I found a graphic from a book, Composition of Outdoor Painting by Edgar Alwin Payne.  Payne (1883-1947).  Payne was an American painter known mainly for his work of Western US landscapes.  This graphic (you can download a copy here) really changed the way I thought about composition.  With a few pages of simple line drawings, I could easily see the different types of composition.  Always before it seemed too complicated when really it wasn't.  So a big Thank You to Edgar Payne for showing me the light.  

After a quick search of my calendar days, I did find a few more examples of composition forms.

 Bonaparte Before the Sphinx, Jean-Leon Gerome 
Asymmetrical (for Margaret!)

The Manneporte, Claude Monet

Seaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula, Claude Lorraine

I really need to remember next year to mark up examples as they pop up on my calendar!  

On a personal note, I want to thank you all for showing up and linking.  Honestly, I don't know why I try to blog during our Rush season at work.  My customers have shown up in force this year and I've been talking to  50-60 ladies a day.  My mind feels like mush!  But there are worse ways to make a buck than to talk about pretty clothes all day!  

So What Have You Been Up to Creatively?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Pinterest is definitely the “mother of all rabbit holes!”