Friday, November 20, 2020

Quilter's Christmas Gifts on Off the Wall Friday

 As the years go by this post gets harder and harder  to write.  Now don't get me wrong.  It's not because there is any shortage of gadgets and fabric for a quilter to acquire.  It's more about coming up with a list of things that a "real" quilter would want and use.  After a quick investigation of the
web, it seems like the same things kinda popped up on all the lists.  Sighhhhh....I hate blog posts that aren't original or filled with fluff. (BTW, One great post I found which was definitely worth the read is here at Amy Smart's blog ) So after wimping out of  last week's post, I finally came up with a new twist on this year's "What Every Quilter Wants for Christmas". (Yes, I have been thinking about this post for nearly two weeks now!)  I thought I would tell you what I want for Christmas and maybe that will give you a jumping off point for yourself or the quilter in your life!

Nina's Christmas List

* A Big Item   -  A Custom Sized Self Healing Mat - For years I've been annoyed by the cracks between my Olfa mats.  My husband who is very smart said what you need is a mat to fit the whole size of your work table.  YES I do!!  Of Course I do!!

Also under this category is Daylight Slimline 3 Clamp Lamp.  After
seeing a few videos on this, I thought "Oh this is exactly what my aging eyes need!  It gives off an amazing amount of light and can be clamped to your work or sewing machine table or even your quilting frame.

* Something Practical -  Kai Scissors  - I have been using the same scissors for 28 years of quilting and I thought it would be nice to get some that fit EXACTLY what I want in a scissors so I picked two pairs from the professional line and added them to my list.

* A Surprise -  Fabric From the Fabric Shack - Any choice from the sale pages but especially  a remnant bag. (Yes, I know there is a whole therapy session on why I don't like to pay $12/yd for fabric...I don't even want MY FAMILY paying $12/yd for fabric).   I love the Fabric Shack.  Not only do they put a TON  of their fabric on sale for good prices but they also have free shipping.  I got a remnant bag this year and I LOVED it.  There was a bit of something in it for every quilter's taste and I love the surprise of it.  I pretty much could use it all ... welllllllllll maybe not the fish fabric!

* Some Art - I love original art and have a habit searching out ebay for a bargain or something

unique.  Last year my husband got me this pen and ink drawing and with an inexpensive framing job it looks great in my studio!  I absolutely love it!

*  Some Small  Things - Some Sampler Packs from Wonderfil, Quilt Car Decal, Sewing Socks, Wonderguard

*Something New - Just when you thought you had every book you needed, you find something new...The Better Bag Maker I thought it would be fun to use some of this extra fabric and make custom bags!  I mean, how hard can it be right?  Big Grin!!

*Something Annual - Finally, I can't start my year without my annual Art Calendar.  Omgosh I love mine.  Day after Day it's like a little art surprise on my desk.  Not to mention, working from home I lose track what day  it is!!

Our family uses the Giftster site which works wonderfully.  In theory, we are suppose to be adding things to the list all year long so that when it comes to November our family knows what we need.  But year is like most where we are filling out lists late.  I don't expect to get everything on my list but at least my family gets the general idea.  

Here are prior year's Christmas Gift Posts.  So What's on your list?  What did I forget?  Do I need to add something to Giftster?

Alsoooooo, As the holidays creep up on us, (hopefully Covid won't manage to cancel THEM too!) I decided that I will be posting Off the Wall like normal.  I haven't decided if  I'm blogging, but feel free to join in if you wish.  


Jenny K. Lyon said...

YES to Kai scissors, a custom cutting mat, a Slimline light and I have The Better Bag Maker and it is The Best book on the subject. You're going to be a happy camper!

Anonymous said...

I’m going to have to check out the Fabric Shack! I always need more fabric. LOL!


Nina Marie said...

Jenny, so many times I read you and think....I wonder if we were best friends in another life!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Oh, the Custom Sized Self Healing Mat looks wonderful! Hop, on my list too ;)

Joyce said...

A while back I found a 3 foot by 4 foot cutting mat, green one side, black the other - online at Walmart, free shipping. It’s been wonderful! We deserve the best in our studios!

Celine said...

I haven't written my list to Santa yet, maybe it is time!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Huuuug! Maybe so! I so want to go to the retreat near you (forgot the name at the moment) and then we could meet IRL!

Nina Marie said...

Jenny Quilting by the Lake..and God willing it will run this year since it's late July. Im hoping Dr F is right and we'll all be vaccinated by then. It's a very laid back, well organized conference.... Low maintenance!! Fingers crossed!!