Friday, November 15, 2019

What's New!! On Off the Wall Friday

Well its been a luscious, amazing, busy fall.  I've had a couple of big projects on the homefront that have taken up my time and energy.  Then there is work.  For what was suppose to be quiet little job that I could spend my menopausal years, its starting to get way out of hand.  Busy!  Busy!  Busy!!  Still I do love my customers and being busy in the retail world is not necessarily a bad thing. Little by little I'm throwing off the blanket of depression, and the old Nina is starting to emerge.

One of the things that has brighten our house  this week is our newest purchase arrived.  I'm not talking about the new front loader washer/dryer set I finally bought after 25 years of old one (amazing as they are ... OMG ... doing laundry is quick and easy now!).  No, I'm talking about the latest acquisition to the Sayre art collection.  My husband, Paul, came back from his week at Marc Adam's School of Woodworking in Indiana this year all excited by some paintings he saw displayed. Apparently one of his fellow woodworkers is an accomplished  artist.

Gabrielle Lehman is self taught painter who lets light be his muse into the surrealist world of his imagination.  I'm not quite sure what I was more surprised with.  The fact that Paul was introduced to Lehman's work at woodworking school or that he actually said to me why don't we buy a painting.  Well Aduh!!  Of course we need to buy a painting.  I myself was drawn to the bright colors, the use of light and curves and motion.  Paul on the other hand, picked a piece that was quieter, mostly monochromatic and mysterious.

As it Lept Off the Page that is relatable and mysterious all at once.  It brought memories for me when I first started indulging my love of books and now it reminds me of my daughter reading on our Victorian porch by lantern light. It really has captured my heart and looks amazing in our family room.  I know that art doesn't necessarily need to match the couch but it always good when it fits in well with it surroundings!  All week, I've caught my family stopping to look at the painting being drawn in by it.  Yes we are in love!  His site has his original art, prints and cards if you want to get a bit of the magic!!

Let's See What Else is New..

We are all starting to get  ready for the holidays.  This week we discovered the Giftster site where it makes it easy for a family to get together gift lists!!  If you're looking for ideas to add to your Christmas list take a look at past Gift posts!

And finally....I got a nice email from Vanessa over the VISIONS ART MUSEUM.  Its time for the

Quilt Visions 2020
Call for Entry: January 1st, 2020 to February 9th , 2020
For details please visit

My friend, Emily Richardson is one of the jurors this year, so I'm excited to see what gets juried in!!

I will endeavor to get some of my own work that is in progress up next week!!  I swear I just need to shut the world out and create!!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Wow! This is quite an artist. I like his work, but As it Lept off the Page and Discovery are very striking. I love the look. Thanks for sharing this great artist.