We've all been to them. Exhibits of artist's work that we say interesting...and then move on to the refreshments. Now that's not to say that their work is boring, it just doesn't reach you to your core. Then you see someone's work and think ...OMGosh where has this been all my life. With each new piece you take a little intake of breathe and start wondering how long can you just sit and stare at it before it gets creepy. That's the nature of art....its uniqueness....the viewer's uniqueness.

I was blessed enough to see an exhibit at the Smithsonian's Renwick Gallery that literally touched my soul. I know how that sounds ,,,,but the cliche is true. Michael Sherrill Retrospective took you on a tour of the man's 40 year creative journey and how he evolved as an artist. As a sculpture Sherrill marries metal, glass, and clay into the most alluring organic forms that hint at reality but then takes much further. He makes my favorite kind of art...the kind that that is interesting, pretty and touchable.

The Exhibit runs through January 5, 2020 and I highly recommend you see it if you are anywhere near the DC area. The Renwick Gallery does not sit on the National Mall itself but its a short walk away and very close the Meto's Farragut West/North stations.
Next week, I will continue on with our tour of the Renwick which really was amazing!
So What Are You Up to Creatively?
What a beautiful work, I love these pieces of art!
I have nothing to share that artistic - but here is my hand quilting --I love those tea pots you show!
There is so much to inspire out in the world... we only need to stop and notice. :)
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