Weekly report on my Block of the Month Quilt....Yes, I'm still finishing up the curves. I thought I would finish them last weekend but 9 hrs later I'm still doing them. It seems like they are going to go on forever. The nice thing though is I"m really getting good at doing a curve seam and I'll never shy away from them again.
So today I read an interesting article about Amy Morin's latest book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do. As I skimmed through the list, I realized that most of them I follow in my everyday life and that's why most people think I'm a
hmmmmmm....Maybe.....So here are some more things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do
How to conquer this??
- Practice, Practice., Practice ....I'm a firm believer that practice makes perfect or almost perfect
- Know when good is good enough...that doesn't mean let technique slide but know that perfection is not the goal of your art . What you want to say with your piece is the goal of your art.
So use it....how....
- Look for a mentor, a veteran artist or a critique group
- Take time to journal and reflect on what you feel your weakness are and your goals
- Come up with path but admit that you're not quite sure where its taking you
So those are a start......I promise to get through the List in upcoming weeks and intersperse what I'm doing in my studio. As I have said - it feels so good to be getting back to my old self.
So What Are you Doing Creatively?
Now its your turn to link up!
Here are the rules:
- Link up any post from the past week that is creatively driven, WIP, Finish Pieces, Process oriented etc - Art Quilt perferred, any media accepted
- Somewhere in your post, please link back to my blog
- Please visit some of the other blogs and leave a comment or two - an encouraging word means a lot to an artist!
- Be Inspired!
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(Linkup closed)
I'm okay with the first two but vulnerability? Yikes, that on is hard!
Thanks for hosting. Always a great party with great links and info.
Brian Hilbert
What a great read. Thank you for reminding me that perfection is too elusive to seek.
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