phone orders for fall clothes, my creative mind was spinning on different ideas. To tell you the truth, I came up with a TON of ideas!!
Finally, I decided to turn our area of cubicles into a grave yard. . . . complete with funny tombstones and all!
So today, I took black tulle and wrapped white Christmas lights in it. That should add a bit of spark. Luckily, I have a ton of black burnt out fabric around here waiting for other projects that can be borrowed for this one! I manage to pick out a few silhouettes that can be blown up for the walls. Thank God for almost extinct overhead projector!! Plus, I printed out tombstones for all 20 team members cubes! Whewwww!!
Tomorrow, I'll get my team to help me put it up. I still might pick out another silhouette . . . if I have time. . . . if I have enough black paper left!
It all has to be done by Sunday.
So its not fabric but it is creative!! And with that I'll leave you with this epitaph. . .
My Husband John Barnes
Who died January 3, 1803
His comely young widow, aged 23, has many
qualifications of a good wife, and yearns to be comforted
So What have you been up to Creatively?
So What have you been up to Creatively?
Now its your turn to link up!
Here are the rules:
- Link up any post from the past week that is creatively driven, WIP, Finish Pieces, Process oriented etc - Art Quilt perferred, any media accepted
- Somewhere in your post, please link back to my blog
- Please visit some of the other blogs and leave a comment or two - an encouraging word means a lot to an artist!
- Be Inspired!
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(Linkup closed)
Ha!! Miss you!
I agree-miss you and hope all is well
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