Friday, February 20, 2015

Baby Its Cold Outside - Off the Wall Friday

Did I need to make it 55 by 45??

Hat, Gloves AND my blankie!

I am not at my creative best  during the winter months, especially February when it seems like the cold is never going to end.  This year though my latest project has really kept me going.  Too bad it can't keep me warm!  This week, we've had sub zero  temps for most of the week  - as low as -18!

You know what that means??  My studio doesn't get much warmer than 60 degrees.  Can anyone say - Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?!?!?!

Little by little though, I am getting the Curves2 done.  I was hoping to have all the piecing done by today but who knew it would take this long?!  I'm literally on the 9th bobbin of thread on this baby!  Geesh - like winter, I'm thinking the piecing is never going to end!!!

p.s.  this is what I woke up this fine Friday morning......guess the cold isn't ending soon either!!!

Hopefully you're warmer than I and don't have to create with gloves on!

What are you up to creatively?
(Linkup closed)


Anonymous said...

I hope the colors will keep you warm. It looks great!

Suzanne Ramsay said...

I put a vest on when I'm cold and keep a hotpad on too. Seems to help when I keep my backbone warm. I lose all initiative when cold. Beautiful colours.

Norma Schlager said...

I sympathize! My studio, which is over the garage is also the coldest room in the house. I just put on extra layers.
Your piece is looking good!

The Inside Stori said...

Your design is very, very impressive......did I say....I'm impressed?!?

quilthexle said...

Oh my, stay warm !!! And your design is just fantastic, can't wait to see it finished ;-)
Take care,

Christine Staver said...

I share your pain. Not much warmer here in NJ. Your quilt is looking good.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The more you do on this piece the better I like it.

Turtlemoonimpressions said...

Looks worth the pain, though. Very impressive!

Shannon said...

I love the way your piece is developing! such great colors. I feel like they go with your awesome sweater. Hope it gets warmer!

Linda M said...

Love the color combination in the piece. Wish I could send you a bit of our unseasonably warm temperatures, we could trade for some snow in our mountains.

Sherrie Spangler said...

Your quilt is stunning! Too bad those warm colors don't give off heat.

sonja said...

Those curvaceously sunny colors glow from where i sit.! 6 bobbins already pau? Wow!

Maggi said...

No wonder it's taking you so long. Intricate piecing and those temperatures don't sit well together. It's looking very good though

Margaret said...

Whoa! That is cold! It's the same as -27 C up here, so I can relate. LOVE the curved piece; all of your hard work will be worth it in the end but yes, it's definitely throw-sized, eh?! Not sure you could get the effect with a very small piece...

carla said...

Hi!!!! I am loving it more and more too!!!! It is very cold here too!!!!! Hope you can keep warmer!!!!

MulticoloredPieces said...

Hi, Nina Marie. I'm impressed by your perseverance in the cold--I would've gone to bed under the electric blanket. Lovely piece that you're working on.

best, nadia

Gwyned Trefethen said...

That outfit is priceless. We are nearly as cold here in Appleton, WI. I'm always wearing layers whether inside or out and keep a pair of finger free gloves with a retractable mitten covering in office. Went grocery shopping without hat or gloves today because it felt so warm in the sun. Discovered it was 23 F when I came home. Back down to sub zero tonight, though.

Love what you are doing with the pieced the curves. They positively zing!

Anonymous said...

It is also Cold here...with over a foot of snow and sub-zero temps at night! Not our norm...I can't wait for Spring. Thanks for letting us link up and share!

Margaret said...

that's really cold. What dedication to your art!!!! hope you can get warmed up. Love the quilt you're working on.