Monday, January 14, 2013

Sign, Sign, Every. . . . Design Wall Monday

I'm not really a political kinda of chick.  Not that I don't have my strong beliefs on what is right and wrong in this country. . . . I just don't feel the need to post on Facebook about them or write long blog posts commenting on them.  Still while researching  different redwork themes, I was really struck by the number of signs in this country.  I mean they are everywhere and they say nearly everything and I could just read and read and read them.  Therefore, the leap from using signs as a theme for my quilt to piggybacking a social commentary on top of that wasn't too hard.

Now that said, how was I going to do that??  My friend Julia reminded me that I could easily make my own redwork patterns using tracing paper  and then using some of the ole skol carbon paper we used to use for quilt patterns.  Of course, now I had gone from this quickie traditional pattern project that I was going to do on the side, to a full blown art project where I was doing all the designing again.  Sighhhhhh . . . . the life of an Art Quilter.

Once I resigned myself that I was going to design it, the ideas came fast and furious.  I used pinterest to help me put together inspiration and did a ton of research.  I really don't think that Jane Public realizes how much research is behind a good art piece.  I'm still researching!

Of course, I do have a good start on the project's patterns.  Not to mention,  I was going to show  them today but then I thought I would just post them one by one as I do them.  I mean why spoil the surprise????  So here is my first pattern.  I plan on doing them on a nice solid with a muted thread - not red - but maybe a good charcoal color or just plain black.  We'll see how busy I am at work and how much I get done this week on it!

See more great design walls at Judy's Patchwork's Times.


  1. A very interesting theme for an art quilt. Your first piece is very thought provoking. Looking forward to seeing your other patterns.

  2. Wow, this will be a very powerful piece when it's finished!

  3. I like what you are doing. Designing and planning a piece is so exciting. Can't wait to see what the next step will be.

  4. That will be such a quilt when you are done. I look forward to seeing it develop.

  5. Interesting. And fitting for today's sociology-political culture. I will look forward to them with great interest.

    But then I love anything you do!

  6. Oh I like your project..can't wait to see how it finishes.

  7. Love it! And you are right, this Jane doesn't.

  8. I think the idea of raising awareness in all that we do is a good thing. But I'm not sure of sales of a homeless man in embroidery. Many people might think it intrusive into their lives.
    But for me, count me in, I love that!!


Thank you so much for your comment! Its great to get feedback!!!