Friday, August 14, 2020

Off the Wall Friday


 Sew....Write my post...Sew ....Write my sorry!!!  Sewing won out and I'm blowing off my post just so I can have some quiet time and work on the umbrellas.  I will say glue basting is an acquired skill and it looks so much easier in youtube videos!!  

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  1. Glue basting is my thing, I promise it does get easier and sure beats poking yourself with pins. Not to mention raking a pin over your skin. Glad you're sewing, I'm currently working.

  2. I agree that sewing usually take priority over posting - and hey, you did get the post up!

    I tried glue on my wildflowers piece that I posted this week, and it just didn't work for me - I tend to get glue everywhere except where I want it! Instead, I used tiny bits of fusible web to hold my pieces in place while I quilted them.


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