Thursday, March 28, 2019

Off the Wall Friday


  1. Love that! Especially the first one. Thanks!

  2. At first I disagreed with the first item on your list since I wouldn't characterize a lot of the creative people I know as easily bored but then realized that they all have a hard time sitting through endless meetings or people droning on endlessly about themselves.

  3. The point about easily bored made me think. I am rarely if ever bored but that is because I can retreat into my creative brain any time I want. However, I cannot sit through an uninteresting meeting without doodling. Nor can I just sit and watch television, I have to be doing some handwork or something else.

  4. The first point STOPped me to for a moment also.i am rarely bored however i am bored with small talk, gossip and whining. So if i am "restless" with a piece or project or myself,i shift to something else; take a walk, water the garden, pull weeds, sip cool water, journaling, cloud watching... I am a firm believer of going where the energy takes me. Lucky for me i have a large stand up work table in center of my studio where there is always bits and scraps and paint, what ifs in various stages of making, becoming.


Thank you so much for your comment! Its great to get feedback!!!